Entries from 2015-12-01 to 1 month

Dr Howard Marans - Common Orthopedic Knee Surgery Costs in California

Types of Orthopedic Knee Surgery There are two main types of knee surgery: open knee surgery and arthroscopic knee surgery. Open knee surgery is most commonly used to treat more extensive knee problems, such as total knee replacement for a…

Howard Marans MD - Facts about Patient Satisfaction Surveys

Patient Satisfaction Matters 1. It’s an Industry StandardPatient satisfaction surveys are a standardized way of reporting about a healthcare experience. Public reporting increases healthcare quality transparency, provides incentives to pro…

Howard Marans - Doctor For Elbow Surgery

If your doctor recommends elbow surgery, they are making that recommendation based on the judgment that your elbow will not adequately heal without surgical intervention. This may be due to the nature of the injury itself, or because you h…